
Drawing Cartoons Characters
Take your drawings to the next level. Want to watch videos on how Chad render (colors) his cartoons onto the computer. Over 2 hours of video showing his digital process step by step...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You want to earn money creating cartoons

They all have the talent, and I can't think of anything better than earning money with our God-given talent. It's not like the work, since this is our talent and hopefully give us pleasure.

Fairy tales are a wonderful part of our lives. He says that every picture tells a story and cartoons, people of all age groups from young to old. I still remember going to the movies as a kid watching Bambi and still as a fairy tale, and I'm sure you have your favorite cartoons.

This article is about the cartoons, or how to draw caricatures. You can do this or not, personally, Walt Disney is one of my heroes, but I can't draw caricatures of saved my life, but I love fairy tales and earn money with the cartoon, but a very special way to use the cartoons.

In fact, provide a laser animation and use cartoons as my media. Cartoonists and animators, draw everything and my programmers to program animation, laser, and then let's end the project results to our customers. Still, I'll pay for the work in the area, which I love, but I'm not a talent for, because I don't do all the work himself.

If you like, you may want to search for ways similar to making money with fairy tales, without having to do everything by yourself.

But if you have artistic talent, then you are one step ahead of us less talented people.

So after the fairy tales can money with them?

First of all, as all projects need to have a direction of laser focus and concrete in mind. There is no good to say that I want to earn money by selling cartoons, but I don't know what to do. You simply cannot succeed. So the first thing you have to do is decide which areas of animation films, which you want to work.

There are many ways to earn money with animated films, but let's take a look on the Internet.

The first thing I recommend is to start a blog, so that people can find it. Today there are many instructors, you can find that show you how to start your own blog. If you do not do this correctly, simply does not work well. Then discover how to start your blog and then write and create a blog, if you don't have it. Once you have your blog, you can have on your pages and more AdSense ads.

You can sell your own images, or a subsidiary of the company, the seller may be for other people and services such as Amazon and other sites. You can record video to make it more attractive. Then just having a blog, you can have 5 or 6 ways to become a money maker.

Also with the blog, you become the authority on this matter. People perceive him as a specialist and once you start, joining social sites and forums, will be with you as an expert in law.

Very important, as regards the sale of the product.

Desires and holidays

Once you have your blog, you want to start creating and selling postcards. Virtually every day there is some kind of celebrations happening for years, birthday, father's day,

Halloween, Christmas and so on and and make the sale of the cards. Once again, once you log in the Forum will be more exposed to be able to sell.

Advertising Cartoon

Other business areas, it is appropriate to consider advertising with cartoons. Advark animation became very popular, because advertising is produced originally for clients in England and now have a following throughout the world some of the most amazing animation films around. But it all started with cartoon ads.

Public domain sold

One of my hobbies is public domain. I just don't like it. There are millions of drawings and photographs, which can be used for your own collection.

Best of all, you may not be able to draw. Therefore, this is an opportunity for us, who have no artistic talent. Is cool, and is huge. You can use art to calendars, books, images, in fact, all activities that you want, and there are hundreds of sites that you like cafepress.


Newspapers looking for new content. Content sells newspapers and cartoons have always been used in the book, both for children and adults. You can extend the local newspapers to see what are the opportunities, even if you have some work to do for free in the first place to start. Eventually, it'll be worth it.

For those of you who don't know, I'm also the coach of wealth creation.

Many of the dreams my students and one of the things that, if he is writing a dream out there so when they or someone else, see it in their heads. How would someone draw your dreams for them and frame and hangs on the wall of the manifest to the world? Are all of the school or schools, offering similar programs, which you can draw on?

Public speakers

As a coach, you must use a strong Powerpoint presentations to get my message and animations are a great way to do it. Look for coaches, teachers, schools, etc., that may be your own original content for your presentations. Cartoons really break the ice and into the audience laugh. Great for the presenter.

There are literally hundreds of ways to earn money, coloring cartoons and I hope you think about the new opportunities these many ways above help. Select one that you like and if possible the field of business, where there is a lot of people competing against you.

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